We are spending this weekend at Albany, MN at their Pioneer Days. It’s pretty much as it says – threshing, old machinery, saw mills, music, food, flea market, ladies activities, etc.. Pulled up here Wednesday evening to get a good spot for the four units. The kids brought their trailer up and will be back late Friday afternoon after work. Fred and Shirley brought theirs up and also will be back Friday after work. Bob and Joni got here early Thursday morning. I would guess there are already 400+ campers in and the show really doesn’t start until 10:00 today. Yesterday we drove down to Hutchinson for another visit with our financial guy – looks like we are ready to roll with him – he says we can retire without starving so that’s good.
Bethany is dropping the boys off on her way to work this morning, we will be watching them today. On Fridays she works at the hospital here in Albany. Darin will be coming after work.
Had a hard freeze here Wednesday night – looks like the crops are done growing for this year, will be interesting to see how the yields turn out. We are boondocking so was a little cool in the 5er Thursday morning till we turned the furnace on and got the generator running.
Hope to add some pictures later today.