Friday, December 30, 2011

Back in TX

Kristin and Kari got us to the airport about 10:30 on Wednesday, we got checked in in record time, got something to eat and had a couple hours to wait for our flight to Atlanta and then McAllen.  Minneapolis airport was surprisingly quiet but while waiting we met two couples – one also on their way to McAllen and the other on their way to Costa Rica.  We had a lot of laughs in the two hours we waited for our flight.  Bob and Qwen have been coming to the valley for 38 years, they are from Duluth and the other couple owns a resort just south of Duluth.  So we had something in common with both and the conversations really flowed for a couple hours.

Our layover was only 30 minutes in Atlanta so we were a little concerned about making our connection and were told our luggage probably wouldn’t make the transfer.  The luggage part wasn’t a concern since we had most everything we needed at the house but if we missed the connection we knew we’d probably be spending the night in Atlanta.  Well, we got into Atlanta about 20 minutes early, rode the tram to the other terminal and found our gate.  According to the monitor the flight to McAllen was about ready to board so yeh – we made it. 

After about 15 minutes they announced that they were waiting for the pilot and crew. They must have rounded up a crew from somewhere – we heard one flight attendant say she was scheduled to go to DesMoines and now was on her way to McAllen – we did get into McAllen on time!  Lloyd and Myron were there to pick us up but we waited for nearly an hour for our luggage.  Guess there was a problem with the luggage system  - the McAllen airport is not that big and I think most people were ready to walk around the back of the building and pick up their own bags from the tarmack!

Got to the house about 9 – just in time for a late happy hour.

Our first day back in TX was a rather lazy day.  Was up early getting a few things organized around the house and stuff put away.  Was off to the grocery store shortly after 8 and returned home with a gazillion little white bags.  HEB stores use the smallest bags and puts only 3-5 items in a bag. We have several mesh bags so we need to remember to take this with us and leave the plastic bags at the store.

After that we headed over to DonWest market to pick up fresh fruits and veggies.  Since only the produce stand is open on Thursdays that didn’t take long and we were home in an hour – just in time for a nap.  Guess  a week of retirement parties, Christmas celebrations, working our last day at the bank and the anticipation of getting here really wiped us out as we both slept for over an hour.

Went to happy hour, dinner and cards at some friends house at 4 but we were home by 7:30 and I was in bed before 9. Was up at 5:30 but I guess if I get tired, I can just take another nap today – isn’t that what retirement is all about?

Day three of retirement here we come!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Just About There!! Done Working That Is!!



But first we celebrated Christmas with our kids and grandkids.  The crew was here Christmas Eve day – had a great time eating and refreshments and watching the four munchkins above as they opened their gifts and just generally be kids – laughing, running, jumping, screaming – well that was the speed of the oldest three, little Owen pretty much just did what he does best – sleep! 

Tomorrow will be our last day at the bank.  Will be Vicky’s last working day and I will work thru the month of January remotely from TX.  We will be flying back to TX on Wednesday.

So the last few days have been kinda strange – packing up here at the home of friends where we have been staying since we returned to MN in late October and thinking our about when we return next spring and not going to work.  We’ll do just fine I’m sure but it will be a big change. Being able to see the grand kids more and help watch them when we can and do some more traveling in the 5er.

We did have a busy week before Christmas – some type of party every night Monday thru Thursday and then had another steriod injection Friday morning for the pinch nerve issue, which by the way is much better finally. 

So got decorations all back in storage, house cleaned up, bags packed for the flight Wednesday and one more day of work and we are out of here!!!  Texas here we come – warm it up please –

the weather here in MN has been unseasonable warm – no snow for Christmas although the lakes are frozen and the ice fisherman are out – vehicles going out on the ice today and the temps are in the 40’s – !!!!!

Take Care – next update will be from Sunny TX.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Where Do I Start!

In the four weeks since our last post I should have a lot to blog about – but not really!   Just been a long four weeks of dealing with a pinched nerve in my neck – leading from one thing to another.

About the week of thanksgiving I started to notice a pain or knot between my shoulders, didn’t do much about for a week and then went to the chiropractor.  Helped some but after a couple days it really started hurting.  Went back and got a message – she really worked out the knot and it felt good for a couple days.  Then the pain started in my shoulder and arm pit area.  So back to the chiropractor again.  This time he said he wouldn’t touch me and sent me to my medical doctor.  Before I could get in there the pain went down my arm and into my hand so I called physical therapy at the medical clinic and they diagnosed typical pinched nerve between 5 & 6.  Got into Med Dr and he prescribed muscle relaxer and nerve pain meds. and lined up an MRI in getting ready for steriod epideral.  Two treatments of traction later the pain got worse and ended up in urgent care last Sunday.  Got put on a drug that really made me sick. By Friday was finally able to get the epideral, pain has really subsided but an encouraged to get another in two weeks before we head back to TX. 

So after being our of work for a week I will try it tomorow – only 9 working days to go!!!

Looking for to spending Christmas Eve day with all the family here – the three older grand kids are full of energy and little Owen just sleeps and eats.HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS!

Till Next Time

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Grandchild #4–Owen Allan has arrived

owen allan

Kelly and Blake’s little bundle arrived Saturday eve and 7:32 – all 7# 9oz.  So that makes 4 grand kids – 3 boys  and 1 girl – with another one due in April!  The family keeps growing!

We Celebrated gr-son Caleb’s b-day in St Cloud yesterday during the snow storm – about 8-10” of the white stuff fell.caleb b dayBut that doesn’t stop a four year old from celebrating – they really enjoyed their first day of this season  snow.  Caleb’s mom (dil)made this really “cool” transformer birthday cake.

Was hoping not to have to put new tires on the old chevy until next spring but our little November snow storm changed my plans – so $400 later we had new tires on the car to drive him with last night.  O well it was now or later.

Really bright and cold out today with the new snow and ice is forming on the lake but doubt any of it will last long because temps are forecasted in the 50’ by Thanksgiving Day.

Down to 16 working days at the bank – time is starting to go fast.   We’ve had a lot going on and the next four weeks are just as busy as the last four – won’t be long and we’ll be back in TX.

Take Care.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Back at the grind–30 working days till retirement!

Been back in MN for a week now – finishing my last 30 days at the bank.  Flight back to MN was pretty uneventfull – just made for a long day.

Upon our return Vicky had to get things finalized for the resorters fall conference in Grand Rapids (MN) – registrations, meal counts, copies of handouts, etc.  Have some friends that live there so spent Friday evening with them then at the resort with conference the rest of the weekend.  Bob came home Sunday evening and Vicky rode home with a local resorter on Tuesday.  She’s back  at the bank finishing up her last days too.

Plan on checking in with the kids and grandkids in St Cloud this weekend along with visiting Bob’s mom at the nursing home.

So not much else going on this week.

Take Care

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mexico Visit

Got a couple comments on our visit to Mexico yesterday.   We always go to the small town of Progresso – don’t do the Reynosa thing anymore!   It’s very calm, people are generally very nice – a little hungry this time of the year so they sure do want you to buy their wares!  The military has been visible for the last couple of years but no sign of them yesterday.  Had a good visit with one of the bartenders in one of the stores – he said there’s been a lot of political changes, changes in the police department, etc., so things remain very quiet in their town.  We did the regular things, bought a couple meds, couple gifts, some vodka (better than half the price than in Mission but now state tax at the border is up to $3.25 for a quart), had a very good lunch at the Red Snapper, bought a couple movies which I will take back – poor quality and one will not play – never had the problem before.   So all in all felt very safe in Progresso we will return for sure.

Was a warm day with temps in the 90’s so a couple cervasas tasted pretty good!!  S’pose to be in the mid 90’s again today.  We are meeting some friends in Harlingen for the lunch at the Longhorn so best get going here.


Take Care

Friday, October 21, 2011

Been a nice break!

We’ve been in TX since last Friday – really has been relaxing!  Pulled in about 9pm but the house cooled off pretty quick and we were sound to sleep by 11.  Everything was fine and rather dust free in the house but sure is dry.   Having been running water on the fruit trees nearly every day.

Just been taking a easy – going out to eat, cards with Lloyd and Gail, pool, etc.   Going to Mexico today for lunch and to pick up a few “necessities”!  Went to bingo at the Elks with Lloyd and Gail last night – Gail won $18 and I won $38 – so was a good night.  Friends Gil and Bev from MN will get into Harlingen today so will go over and have lunch with them sometime over the weekend.

Will be heading back MN next Tuesday for a couple months – need to finish up the working career – will be back here 12/28 for our first New Years Eve in TX and will be here till around the 1st of April.

Take Care

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mile High City!!

We have been in Denver, CO since Wednesday.  Bob is attending a conference of the American Fraternal Alliance, an affiliation to the Fraternal Life Insurance company of which he is on the board.   This is our first time in Denver, so far it’s been a lot of meetings and workshops and dining out.  Later today we are doing a 4 hour bus tour of the foothills and mountain area to the west of Denver – that will be fun and interesting.

Since our last post – we left Albany early that Sunday morning as it was raining and it’s not a good place to be when it’s wet and muddy.   So got hookup and back to New London by 10:30.  Spent the rest of the day cleaning up the 5er,  Vicky had a lot of catch up to do in logging resort memberships for the coming year.  Not sure if we’ve mentioned, but she continues with her side job as Office Manager for the Congress of MN resorts  (  This is a group of mom and pop cabin resorts throughout MN.  They have approximately 200 members and associate members, they do a spring and fall conference and then the membership drive annually in August.  So she has duties throughout the year and especially busy this time of the year with both memberships and fall conference.  The good part is she is able to do it most anywhere we are as long as we have internet and our daughter Kari is able to pick up the mail.  Oh – and the pay comes in handy too!!

Spent the couple weeks working at the bank. Started arranging some belongings to move from the storage facility to the house we will be staying in during November and December until we head back to TX.  Also got stuff ready to load up for the drive to TX on the 13th for 10 days.

So we will be back at the bank Monday counting off our working days – think it will be down to about 35 or so when we head south on th13th.  Time is getting short and lot going on in the next couple of months – a 50th wedding anniversary for some friends on the 8th, baby shower for the new baby on 10/9, State park fund raiser on the 10th, Catholic United board meeting on the 13th, leave for TX that afternoon, back to MN on the 25th, new grand child due 11/12, bridal shower for a niece on 11/20, wedding for a good friends son on 11/26, another Catholic United board meeting 12/8 along with Christmas Party the night before.   So along with the holiday gatherings in there – I think we will be busy before we fly back to TX  12/28.

That’s it till next time.  Take care.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Threshing Days!

We are spending this weekend at Albany, MN at their Pioneer Days.  It’s pretty much as it says – threshing, old machinery, saw mills, music, food, flea market, ladies activities, etc..  Pulled up here Wednesday evening to get a good spot for the four units.  The kids brought their trailer up and will be back late Friday afternoon after work.  Fred and Shirley brought theirs up and also will be back Friday after work.   Bob and Joni got here early Thursday morning.  I would guess there are already 400+ campers in and the show really doesn’t start until 10:00 today.  Yesterday we drove down to Hutchinson for another visit with our financial guy – looks like we are ready to roll with him – he says we can retire without starving so that’s good.

Bethany is dropping the boys off on her way to work this morning, we will be watching them today.  On Fridays she works at the hospital here in Albany.  Darin will be coming after work.

Had a hard freeze here Wednesday night – looks like the crops are done growing for this year, will be interesting to see how the yields turn out.  We are boondocking so was a little cool in the 5er Thursday morning till we turned the furnace on and got the generator running.

Hope to add some pictures later today.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Whow!!! where has time gone!!

The summer has nearly passed us by.  Working our four days a week and doing the normal activities for the month of August pretty much took care of it.

We did make the big decision to formally retire from our 4-day a week jobs – that will be 12/27.  Our original plan was to do it sometime over the summer once the house sold in May but just never got around to name the date.   Living in the 5er for the summer has worked our pretty well too.  Just knew that before we headed back to TX for the winter we knew we didn’t want to be working from there again.  It worked our well for 8 years but just decided it was time to call it quits.We both will keep our little side jobs – still fun to be involved in those organizations and the $$’s are nice too.

For the past week we’ve been on the run – spent a week in St. Cloud visiting kids and grandkids, catching up with some old neighbors and friends and took in a couple of golf events.  Finished up the holiday weekend with 10 other couples camping near New Ulm, MN – toured  the Schell’s Brewery, enjoyed a refreshment at the famous B & L Bar, visited a winery and enjoyed the chicken at Carl’s Corner in Essig, MN on Sunday night.

Back to work this week for a couple days, heading up to Ottertail Lake area next weekend, followed by Pioneer Days in Albany the following weekend.   Will be in Denver for a week at the end of the month.  Driving down to TX on 10/13, flying back on the 25th will finish up work, wait for the birth of our fourth grandchild around the middle of November, enjoy a few holiday parties and the holidays with family and then fly back to TX on 12/28 – just in time for our first New Years eve in TX.

Guess that’s more of what we are going to be doing rather than what we’ve been up to but the heat the last couple weeks of July and 1st part of August kept us pretty close to home. 

Till later!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thought the heat was gone!!

Boy has it been a hot couple weeks in MN!!!  Broke all records in the heat index category – think western MN had a heat index of nearly 125 about a week ago.  We did get a break for a couple days middle part of this week but today the heat index is on the rise again.  Watch out all you people east of here – we are sending you another round!!

Pretty uneventful week – just work!  Last weekend we celebrated Bob’s sister and her husband 40th wedding anniversary.  Was a great party.  The entire wedding party and the original band that played for their wedding dance – all were there.   Got to see a lot of cousins and people we hadn’t seen in years.

We boondocked in the parking lot of the reception center – sure glad we had the generator – it ran for 13 straight hours keeping the 5er cool.

Bob is going to a farm show in Hutchinson with Darin and the boys tomorrow – Vicky will be hanging out with the girls from the park at New London’s Water Days parade followed by bingo and a street dance.  Will be fun to see the grandsons again – it’s close to a month since we’ve seen them.

Sunday we have a birthday party for our grand daughter Rya – she will be two.   That will be lunch and lounging around with our feed in the pool if it’s warm.  Just a couple miles down the road so it’s close.

Not much else going on.  Got set up with Google+ with some fellow RVer’s – been interesting.  Never did the facebook thing so a whole new concept for me.

Till Later.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pancakes and Storms

After our stormy weekend in Bird Island we returned to our lot in Spicer.  Bob helped with the Lions 4th of July pancake feed on the 4th – mixing pancake batter from 7-11 am for nearly 500 people.  Spicer is known in the area for having a big July 4th celebration – flea market, beach parties, dance, parade, pancake breakfast, etc.

On the 6th we headed over to Ellsworth, WI for our annual venture.  Ellsworth has a big polka fest and city wide garage sale.  Vicky loves this town for the sales and so it’s always a mission to find as much as we can for the grandkids and with another on the way it met more intense shopping.  We found lotsa good clothes for the kids so was a success again.   Of course we meet up with a bunch of MN and TX friends for some good conversation, laughs and of course a few refreshments.  And it can’t be Ellsworth without heat and a few storms.  The heat moved in on Friday and Saturday – keeping the dancing to a minimum and water intake high.  Sunday morning we were awakened by a whaling storm siren at 5:00AM!!  Just got a gust of wind and heavy rain so all was well.   Got back to Spicer in the early afternoon – got set up again and was looking forward to a quiet Sunday evening until the weather radio went off again at 8 pm.  So down to the storm shelter till about 9, again just wind and heavy rain.

Worked 4 days this week.  Vicky took Kari to St Cloud for her follow up after her back surgery.  She is doing very well – no pain and feeling back in her leg and foot.  She will need to be very careful, any further damage and they will fuse her lower back.

This morning the weather radio went off again at 5 – severe thunderstorm.  Just got heavy rain again.  Today we pull over to Benson, Bob’s sister is celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary party Saturday – should be a could time.  Then on Sunday pulling up to Elbow Lake, MN for a winter Texan get together.  S’pose to be a HOT weekend with heat index in the low 100’s all weekend – hope all the AC’s are working!!

Got to share these pics of 2 year old grandson Grant – holding his newest cousin and trying to fix his car that has a dead battery.

grant jakegrant fixin

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Well we escaped another one last night – 80 MPH winds and all 50 RV’s are still on their wheels!  Hug storm came thru Bird Island around 4:30 and blew hard for about 40 minutes – lots of  trees down in town, a few lawn chairs and mats missing, one fifth wheel rocked so hard the dishes and glassware fell from the cupboards and broke.  We had a lap tip over and fall behind a chair and a roof vent that got twisted a bit.  But over all we are in good shape.

Power went out but we set up 3 generators – one for the bands and 2 for the bar and kitchen and kept everything going till midnight.  Power was back about five this morning.

Ready for another day – blue skies and sunshine!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Time to Catch up!!!!

DSC01317Not sure where the last month has gone but we’ve been busy as usual – work, happy hours with the new neighbors, going out to eat with the old neighbors and camper repairs again.

Before the house sold we had made reservations at Sibley State Park to go camping with Bob’s sister Barb and Reid and some other friends from Benson the weekend of the 16th and 17th.  We couldn’t get a site for Saturday night so we took Thursday and Friday. 

On the way to our site in the park we snagged a low hanging cedar tree and did a job on our antenna – put in back to together somewhat so it would work but knew it would need more extensive repairs.  Then while working around the camper Friday I happened to look at the underside and noticed our fresh water tank had come loose on one end and was resting on the axle!!  What else could happen – first time we’ve had any issues with our campers and now it’s one thing after another.  Called the dealer and since we were living in the 5er and heading to ND on Wednesday we were somewhat frantic about getting it fixed.  They said get it there by Monday and they would have it fixed by Monday afternoon.  Thanks Dave at Rebel Camper – you always come thru!!

Friday night we got about 3 inches of rain and we knew we would not get back into our rented site without making some big ruts and then pull out Sunday again in the mud to get to Clara City  so we called Dave to see if he had an open rv site on the lot.  He did so we headed to Clara City Saturday afternoon.  Got set up and then went to Kegger’s Bar for a refreshment and sandwich.

Sunday we headed into St Cloud for Father’s Day BarBQ at Darin and Bethany’s.  Everyone was there except for Kari, Bryan and Rya – Kari had back surgery the week before and so traveling wasn’t on the agenda yet.  Kari and Rya had come out to Sibley on Friday so we got to see them then.DSC01286

Back to Clara City to sleep Sunday night, work on Monday and then we met Bill and Mavis (friends from TX who were in MN for grand daughters graduation) for supper in Litchfield.  They were doing very well and we got caught up on news since we had last seen them in TX in March.

Back to Clara City to sleep again – had got a call from Dave and the camper was finished so we took it to work with us on Tuesday.  Well another hard rain on Tuesday so didn’t want to tear up the lot again so we boondocked in our church parking lot.  We were heading to ND early Wednesday morning anyway so that made for an easy departure.

Headed out about 6:45 Wednesday morning, met Gary and Marjorie in Elrosa and off to Stump Lake we were.  Arrived there about 1:30, drove in hard rain and wind the whole way so was ready to relax.  Myron and Jean got up there Tuesday so they were all set and and waiting for us.  We made supper together, played a game of Social Security and were all ready for bed early.

Thursday we just relaxed, watch the other campers arrive and get set up.  Talked about the high water in Stump and Devils Lake – water is up over 40’ in the last 10 – 15 years and if it rises another 3-4’ most of Stump Lake Campground, ballroom and store will be under water.  Sure hope they find a solution to the water issue before that happens.  Had a great time catching up with TX friends and dancing – headed home Sunday – or should say back to the lot – arrived about 2:00, no rain so we got backed in and set up.  Was another early night to bed.  Monday night we got caught up on laundry, Tuesday we went our for pizza with the Nest Lake (old neighbors) group, got back to the camper and joined the new neighbors for a short happy hour.  It was close to 8 and they hadn’t had supper yet – so they headed home.

Tonight we are watching Rya so Kari and Bryan could take in a movie.  Kari’s is feeling much better after surgery and was ready to get out of the house.DSC01318-1

Heading to Bird Island tomorrow after work to meet up with Myron and Jean and Lloyd and Gail for the weekend.  Lloyd and Gail just arrived here in MN from TX so will be fun seeing them.   Will be doing a lot of dancing I imagine too.

Monday being the 4th, our Lions club always puts on a pancake and sausage feed just before the parade in Spicer so will be frying pancakes for a couple hours.  Not much else planned for the rest of the day – probably will need some rest.

Will be heading to Ellsworth, WI on Wednesday evening for the weekend and then that’s about it for our plans for a few weeks.  Bob’s sister Linda and Terry are celebrating their 40th on the 16th in Benson so will pull the trailer down there for the night.   Might head up to Elbow Lake on the 17th for a TX get together.

So we keep busy but it’s been fun – no lawn to mow, gardens to weed, etc., just rest up get ready for the next rendezvous!!

Till next time – take care.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Life in the RV - Moving on with Life

Somewhat over a week since we've closed on the house and two weeks living in the 5er and all is well. No big fights, haven't had to use the bathroom at the same time - just feeling good about our decision. Finally relaxing after a month of packing and moving stuff around every extra minute we've had.
Our first weekend was spent with friends in Clarissa - boon docked in the ballroom parking lot from Wednesday to Monday - visiting, dancing and just having a lot of fun. Got back to New London about 10:30 Memorial Day and got the rig parked for the first time in the spot we'll be for most of the summer. Off to the grocery store and laundromat and then had 11 people over for mid afternoon meal of grilled pork loin and the fixins. Vicky's brother was home from Chicago so we had them and Vicky's sister and her family her for the afternoon.
Bob spent Wednesday with Caleb in Sauk Rapids as he was sick and couldn't go to daycare. We spent the rest of the week working at the bank.
Went to Benson Saturday afternoon to check on Bob's mom - she's about the same - was sleeping when we got there, we woke her after a bit - not sure if she knew us or not - and then back to sleep.
Stopped by Bob's sister Linda and Terry for a short visit before we headed back to the trailer.
Saturday was back to Sauk Rapids to watch the boys while D & B went to a wedding. Stayed overnight and took them to church - interesting - very normal 3 & 2 yr old boys full of energy. In the afternoon we went out to Bob and Joni's for cards, refreshments, a meal and lotsa laughs. Our 30 year friendship has been great - so many experiences to look back on and have a good laugh.
So this week is back to work, Bob has a meeting in St Paul on Thursday. We will be cooking hamburgers at the local grocery store for a church fundraiser on Friday and Saturday.
Kari is back surgery Friday so we will be watching Rya Friday and overnight then will take her to the other grandparents Saturday morning. No plans for Sunday but I'm sure something will come up.
So next time - take care.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our New Life in the RV

Here we are waking up our fourth morning homeless in the RV!    Well I guess not quite homeless - we have closing tomorrow so we still have MN real estate for another 24 hours, we got our house in TX and our little house on wheels!  It feels good though but what a whirlwind that last couple weeks.  Since Sunday evening we’ve been in the RV parked in our yard getting the last items our of the house.   Had the walk thru with the buyers and realtors on Tuesday and that went well.  Locked the door and pull out of the yard last night at 4:00 pm for the last time.  Didn’t seem top bother either of us  - Vicky said it just feels like we are going camping.  Guess we are - for the rest of summer and fall until we head south again.


We met Gary and Marjorie in Elrosa to head up to Clarissa for the weekend.  Joining up with Myron and Jean, Winnie and Ainy and the rest of the bunch for our first getta way together since last fall.  Most will be here except for Lloyd and Gail who decided to stay in TX for the summer but I think they are already lonesome as Lloyd called and talked to both Myron and I last night to see if we made to Clarissa!  Have a hunch we will see them later this summer - when TX really turns on the heat and humidity.

So our journey begins -  will be interesting to look back a year from now and see how we followed our dreams.  We have some rough plans for summer activities and how long work will be part of our lives - for now it’s day to day.  Have a hunch we will enjoy it.

On Sunday Darin and Caleb and Kelly and Blake helped us get the last of the stuff out of the house and here’s Caleb with his great grandfathers navy hat on, sitting on the box my laptop came in,  looking around  - I’m sure wondering what was going on.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One week till closing!!

Well, we have one week till closing next Friday. What a whirlwind the last couple weeks. Had a big moving/yard/garage sale mothers day weekend - got rid of loads of stuff then brought what was left to Ashley and Kelly's garage sale in Willmar the next weekend and sold another pile. Didn't have much left to take to Goodwill. Finally got our trailer back on Monday - whew!! thought we were going to be sleeping on the street! Guess the dealer had a few words with Lippert, the maker of the slide framing, and finally got the parts needed. So now getting that repacked and ready to go. We did rent a small storage unit - about the size of a single car garage - guess we'll have that about half full when we get everything over there. We kept a couch, recliner, queen bed, two dressers, some end tables along with some misc dishes, pans, etc., of course pictures and those things you just don't know what to do with - thinking we'll probably end up with a small patio home in a year or so here in central MN somewhere. Hope to be basically out of the house by Sunday evening, probably starting sleeping in the RV then and heading out for the weekend Wednesday afternoon. Course we will drive back for closing Friday and then head right back to celebrate with the bunch for the rest of the weekend.

Will continue working for now but will see come later in the year. Since we are working only part time now we do get lotsa time to do our thing. But we are flexible so things can change pretty quick we decide it's time. Since Kelly and Blake are expecting the first baby in mid November we do what to be here for the event but will head out shortly after Christmas - back to Mission, TX and celebrate our first New Years Eve there.

Family all seems to be doing fine now with our decision to sell the house and take up life in the RV. Boy did we get some looks and comments from people we work with and other friends. It was kind of a free-ing feeling getting rid of all that stuff. Most of had spent most of it's life in boxes or closets or just sitting on a shelf somewhere rusting or collecting dust. Gone - someone else's treasures now!

So on with the next chapter in our life - waiting to see what that brings!

Bob & Vicky

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Garage Sale is over -Packing what's left begins

Spent all last week getting ready for our big garage sale on Friday and Saturday - where did all the stuff come from over the years? By the time we had everything pulled out from the basement, shed, boat house and garage it was was a scary pile - how in the world would we ever get rid of it all!
Friday morning we woke up to clear skies and sunshine, the temp got to close to 70 and we had a perfect day for the sale. Our good friends Don and Jess came over to help (they love garage sales anyway!!) and we don't know what we would have done without them because a sale it was! We had a great crowd and sold ton's of stuff - Friday night we wondered after a day like that, how would Saturday go? Saturday went very well too - just didn't sell the furniture that we wished would go but got rid of the shop and garage items and a lot of the small stuff that has spent the majority of it's life in boxes, closets or cupboards. We do have some left but can add it Ashely and Justin's sale next Saturday in Willmar. We've had sales there with them the last two years and things sell very well there too.
Anyway the worst is over.
Have a little over two weeks to get what we are keeping to storage and then we can kick back for a while.
Our weather seems to have come around a bit - Friday was perfect, a light shower Saturday morning early and around 70 for most of the day.
All the kids are coming over today for Mother's Day - they are bring salads and desert, we cooked a turkey that needed ojt get out of the freezer and will make hot turkey sandwiches.

Happy Mothers Day all you moms.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

We will be homeless in MN - well kinda!! RV here we come!

Well it's for real - house is sold with closing 5/27! So we've been busy - finding a place to park for the summer (or until retirement is official), finish sorting thru all the remaining stuff - deciding what's being sold, what else goes to TX and what we put in storage until a final decision about it is made.

This all pretty much happened while we were in LasVegas from the 15th to the 22nd - Bob had work meetings there. Many phone calls, emails and a few faxes later and the deal was done! Had a some fun while working there even won a few dollars to cover what we spent. Kelly and Blake got there the Wednesday before so we had a couple days to party with them before the flew home on the 17th. Will post some pictures later.

We had the whole family home for Easter - celebrated Saturday afternoon and evening so some of the bunch could go to the in-laws on Sunday. Kids helped in digging thru the "stuff" and even got blessed with some of it. Got the boat ready to sell - delivering that to St Cloud tonight. Need to get the skid loader sold and that will take care of the big stuff. Got a couple of garage sales set up for the next couple weekends and also have talked to an auctioneer about putting what's left over on a community auction later on.

This has happened pretty fast and we had a couple of nights of limited sleep as we processed everything but we are starting to feel pretty comfortable about the whole thing. Once the retirement decision is firmed up we will be ready to hit the road.

We will be staying at an RV park just a couple miles from the house for the summer. Not the greatest place but price was right and very convenient - winery just accross the road!!

Till next time.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We could be Homeless!!!

We got an offer on the house!!!!!!!!!!! A good offer taboot - no conditions, no contingencies, no appraisal - cash deal, no home inspection, closing 5/27!! This could be it! This is scary but I guess this is what we have planned for. So now what and we are leaving tomorrow for Las Vegas till next Thursday - a lot to do in a month - a whole bunch of stuff to get rid of.
Well I guess it'll all work out - need a prayer or two.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A lotta catching up to do here!!!!!

Holy Cow!! Can't believe it's been a month since I've last posted - time flys!!!!!
We had a great time the last three weeks in TX - leaving there on the 21st. The weather was perfect and knowing how cold it still was and how much was still on the ground in Minnesota made leaving pretty tough. We got home on the 22nd just in time for a 10" snowstorm on the 23rd - everybody said "Welcome Home"!!!!! We almost headed right back to TX.
Now two weeks later it's finally warming up - 65 today but we still have some snow banks around the the lakes are still covered with ice. Big Thunderstorms forecasted for later today and tomorrow.
The first week at home we caught with the kids and grandkids, helped Kristin move to a new apartment, babysat the grandsons one night and our granddaughter another day and night.
Vicky had to do a resort conference in Bemidji on the 28th so she headed up that way for a couple days - had some peace and quiet.
Work at the bank has been very busy and we move forward merging the nine Iowa branches into the Minnesota charter and also shutting our data processing center in Iowa and converting them to center in MN. I'm sure I will be on this detail most of the year. Have several trips to Sioux City, Holstien and Aurelia on the calendar over the next few months.
We got the 5er opened up - spend one afternoon in it pretending to be camping and watched a movie. Noticed that slide was not closing completely so took it over to the dealer. They thought it would be a quick fix by just retiming the slide but after working on it for about an hour they notice that the weld on one of the brackets had come loose - so left it there and will pick it up later. Should'nt be an issue as we had only used it 2 nights last fall after we brought it home.
We are going to Las Vegas for a week - have a bank technology conference to attend. Maybe "if" we play the machines we might have some luck!!
Nothing new on the house front - had a couple of good showings a few weeks ago. Realtor tells us that March is always slow - people like to wait now to look at properties when the snow is gone. We'll see!
Found out we will be grandparents again in the fall - this will make four grandkids!
Well best get this closed and posted, need to get vehicles cleaned up after the messy roads last week. Will be going to St Cloud for Grant's birthday party tomorrow - will have some pictures then.

Take Care.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Another Warm and Sunny Day

Just can't say enough about the weather these last couple weeks - other than just perfect. Clear skys, light breeze and 85 - 90!

had lunch today with some old neighbors from St Cloud - Chuck and Jan Stock. Jan fixed a good lunch and we had a great time catching up on St Cloud people and progress. We only see each other a couple times a year and it's just a buzzin couple of hours.

Our youngest daughter Kelly, her husband Blake and Blake's mom are flying in tomorrow so will be five busy days of Mexico, shopping, pool and watering holes. I'm sure you will see and hear more about this later. They will be here till next Wednesday and then I will fly to Mpls with them to attend a board meeting then fly back on Friday. My sister and BIL Reid will be on the same plane coming down for a visit. So, yes Pidge, we do keep busy!!

Won't be long and we'll be heading back to MN - probably around the 21st as Vicky has to do a conference in Walker, MN on the 28th. I'm sure we'll get in on a little snow and winter before things warm up there.

Have breakfast (omelets in a bag) at Jean and Myron's tomorrow morning and then will head to the airport. S'pose to be 90+ here tomorrow so better let the kids know they may to have a pair of shorts handy to put on once they land!

Will be a lazy afternoon and evening.

Take Care.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Time flys by and very warm weather in TX.

I guess I'd better get an update in here - getting a lot of crap from people who think we froze up here in TX. Well, actually the weather is pretty darn nice with several days this week in the 90's but still a little breezy so it was quite nice outside. Beats the heck out of all the snow in MN!!

Been busy - normal!! - the last few weeks. Work of course takes the better part of of 4-5 days. We did get the wood floors finished in the LR, DR, kitchen and hall. A big change from the blue carpeting but really looks nice. Did need to get a few rugs for by the doors to catch the dust from the shoes and also a large rug for the center of the living room. Pete, Rod and I spent a few hours on our knees, which never hurts I guess, and a few ibubrofen for the hurting muscles - we gotr dun!!

BIL and SIL from Chicago were here last week - picked them up at 10:30pm in Harlingen and then they flew out at 5:30am - Harlingen airport is about 45 miles away so you know we had a couple short nights. Did a lot of fun things in the four days they were here too so needed a couple days this last week to rest up so didn't do much in the evenings. Did celebrate Joni G's 70th b-day on Thursday afternoon. Was a big surprise for her. Their son Mark was here from ElPaso - hadn't seen him in probably 10 years.

Last Friday we had nothing on the calendar and had talked about the Brownsville Zoo for the past 8 years we've been in the valley, so off we went. Was just as remembered it which had to be close to 15 years ago when we were there last with Vicky's folks. Even the one armed female orangutan was still there - and still having babies!! We didn't have any chicklets to give her this time tho!!
We stopped and a new burger place called Big Daddies Burgers - had fahittas and chimichaunga - enough food for the whole day and very inexpensive. Stopped for happy hour at some friends in Harlingen and then finished the evening playing buck and a quarter (also called 10 penny and 5 crowns)at Lloyd and Gails - didn't get home till 11:30 - a long fun day.
Yesterday met Larry and Rosie and Herb and Carol at Riverside for lunch, they stopped by the house to check out the floor for a bit.
Today was church, breakfast at the bakery with George and Shirley and a quick visit to Home Depot to pick up some eye hooks to hang our swing we bought 3 years ago in MX. Also got the some of the sidwalks pressure washed, the car washed then Myron and Elain stopped over. We had been by their house last week to drop off some grapefruit but they weren't home.

Tonight we were invited to Bill and Mavi's for ham supper and help them with a couple projects - a good meal and several good laughs.

Will be a busy week with work and then our daughter Kelly, husband Blake and Blakes mom Darlene fly into Harlingen Friday afternoon. So will be a busy weekend - should be fun.

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Been A While Again

Just like the rest of the country, our weather in south TX has been unusually cold. We had 3 nights last week with temps in the mid to upper 20's, one night of freezing rain and one day the temp never got above freezing. The plants were covered and but fruit trees faired well the freezing rain seemed to have protected them. We did pick five pails of grapefruit just in

case so guess we'll have to freeze them or make a few more batches of grapefruit orange and vodka slush - I'm sure we'll have some warm days when it will taste pretty good! We just hunkered down - made some chile and finished up a couple jobs around the house.

Finally got the microwave installed above the stove - had this on hand for over a year. My initial measurements told me I had to remodel the cabinet above because the microwave was going to be too close to the stove top. Well, this years measurements didn't tell me that! Must be that the new stove is lower than the old - after all it has a smooth top.

Also put up some new lights above the table and in the hall - actually brought these from MN - had taken them out of the house there when we did some remodeling this fall. They fit in quite well down here.

Made a leasurely trip to MX on Saturday - went for a drive to check on some friends in Donna, they weren't home so since we were close to the border we headed down for a little shopping and lunch. Was pretty quiet except for the bunch from MN in Arriba's - they were well on there way to a fun birthday party by 12:30. Picked up a couple meds and a couple movies for $4, couple bottles of refreshments and headed home.

Been doing our regular dancing on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Sundays have been nice and sunny so we have been going out to Crazy Joe's by the river to listen and dance to Jealous Heart. The beer is usually nice and cold too!

The kids back home have been keeping the skid loader running and warmed up moving snow. They also removed the snow from the roof of the house - guess there was quite a pile up there - so sounds like they are having fun too!

Have a baked potatoes supper at 4:00, 50th wedding anniversary party at 5:00 at the Palms II and a the Harlingen bunch coming over for Prime Rib tomorrow afternoon so the fun continues.

Life is Good!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Enjoying the warmth and activities!

Guess it's time to update here - after our 1st week here in Mission.
Getting into our daily routine up between 6 and 7, we catch up on blogs and facebook then since we both work yet, from Monday thru Thursday the better part of the day is taking care of those duties - but our evenings usually involve some fun.
Monday evenings are spent at the Palms II in Mission - a lot of MN and Ohio people gather for burgers and music and a few refreshments. Usually our time to catch up from the weekend and see who's got what planned for the week. Lloyd and Gail and George and Shirley stop by the house after the Palms for a drink, snacks and visiting.
Tuesday nite is our usual stay home night. Wednesday we danced at Fiesta Village, met Barb and Roger there - had a good time.
Thursday morning was our park craft sale and breakfast so Vicky made a couple pans of cinnammon rolls to take up to the hall, we walked around and visited a bit but didn't find anything we couldn't live without.
On Thursday Ervie G stopped by, think he gets lonesome as Rosie's alzhiemers has her now in the Foley nursing home. Had picked up a new garbage disposal earlier in the week and started on that project later in the afternoon. Phone rang and it was Jerry and Dorothy inviting us over for happy hour - so put the project on hold and walked over there. Finished that project later in the evening along with putting in a new faucet in the kitchen sink. Happy hour makes those projects go better!!!
Friday we did some running and stopped by Myron and Jean's to see how their casino trip went. Had couple beers then headed to the Mission Legion for the fish fry, then back to their place to play social security.
Saturday we did a bunch or running around, cleaned the garage a bit and vacumed the van. In the evening we picked up George and Shirley and went to El Valle Del Sol for their dance. Jerry and Dorothy, Bob and Joni, and Don and Eilene joined us later - music was excellent and had a good time. Music was s'pose to be Evie, Arnie and Wee Willie but was Ervie Arnie and Ron and Judy. (Too bad you missed it Roger & Barb!!)
Sunday - picked up George and Shirley for church (they were in an accident 12/20 and still don't have their car back from the shop), took them to the grocery store, picked up lunch at St Pauls BBQ, did some running around looking for a couple of new recliners - didn't find quite what we were looking for yet. Stopped out at Crazy Joe's, Jealous heart was playing, ran into Dennis and Janine. Drove thru Larry and Cindy's park but couldn't fine their camper. Had MN potluck at 5 - lotsa good food and had a good time.
So another busy week in warm TX!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A busy Day - Warmer weather - Visiting Friends and Meeting New Friends

Our first full day in the valley was a busy one! Headed over to church at 8:30, stop by the Mayberry bakery to pick up a couple rolls for breakfast - they also have a small resturant and some of the bunch from Saturday nite was there for breakfast but we decided to head home to get some things done. Talked to Mavis and Bill was still in the hospital in Edinburg so we headed up there to see him shortly after lunch. On the way we stopped by Bob and Joni's to say hi - had a couple of goods laughs and then got on our way. They were going to a comedian show in the evening so they picked us up at 5:45 - more on that later.
Bill was doing great - he had falled a couple weeks ago and broke his hip. Is schedule to get home on Wednesday if he does his exercises. We told him we had his favorite meal waiting to be fixed for him - prime rib and mashed potatoes - but he had to do his exercises to get released on Wednesday.
On the way home we stopped on HEB for some groceries then fixed a late afternoon lunch. Weather had finally warmed up and was somewhat over 70 for most of the afternoon.
Now more on the comedian show - the comedian was Auntie Kreamsaugen - ney Darlene Rolle, who is a scandinavian granny that is a marriage counseler. Good show by the way - be ready to laugh. Anyway, she and her husband Richard live in El Valle Del Sol in the winter - the first park we were in here in Mission, and in Detroit Lakes, MN in the summer - Marci do you know them? The show was at Bentsen Grove Resort, Mmmm that sounded familiar. Yup sure nuf that's the park bloggers Larry and Cindy of Cross's Chronicles landed for their first winter in TX. We got there early hoping they would show up. Thought maybe they would since they have commented about going to some previous shows. Wasn't long and in the door they came - recognized them by their photo on their blog. Walked up to them and asked "aren't you Larry and Cindy?" - got the puzzled look for a bit and then I think they recognized us too. Pretty neat!! Exchanged cards and had a quick visit. Sure hope we can get together shortly - hey guys stop by or give us a call.
So - another good day has started. Vicky is reorganized the kitchen - again! Plan to head over to the Palms (small little joint in Mission) by 5:00 for our Monday shananigans. Probably will need to do a little work too.

Till later.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Back in Texas!!!

Back in TX as of 3:00 Saturday! Left MN Friday morning about 5:00, stayed in Ardmore OK Friday night. Hit Oklahoma City right at rush hour - should have known better - so waisted a good 45 minutes in stop and go traffic. From there traffic moved around 75 to 80 so made up some time pulling into Ardmore around 7. Had some supper at IHOP and hit the bed. Drove in rain all day Saturday but looks like we need it here so that was good. Grapefruit and oranges are nice and orange and not green like they were in November so will have to get them a try for breakfast.

Barb and Roger stopped by shortly after we arrived - we chatted a bit, decided to go dancing at Tropical Valley at 7 so we had to hustle a bit - finish unloading the van, get something to eat, shower and get there by 6:30 to get a table. We made it and had a great time catching up with a lot of the bunch we had not seen since last March. Got home about 10:30 and the bed felt pretty good.

So guess to day will be more settling in - called dish shortly after we got here and by the time we got home from the dance we had TV. Since we were here in November most everything else was pretty much ready to go so just a bunch of unpacking and deciding where things will go. Since the house in MN is on the market we brought more stuff down here. So either find a place for it or get it on a garage sale. Wish we could have brought the 5er down - taking more time but with the house on the market we may need to make a quick trip back. Hopefully by this time next year we will be leasurely moving around the country.

Buy the way we have a showing on the house today at 1:00!!! Who knows - maybe we will heading back MN to pack up soon! Keep your fingers crossed!

Well best get on with the day - take care.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Time is getting short!

Well, just a week before we head for TX! Boy are we ready! Will go see Bob's mom at the nursing home today, babysit the grandsons tomorrow night, a few more days of work, a day long meeting in St Paul and we're outa here!
A very quiet New Years Eve for us - went uptown for a drink in the afternoon, home for diner by 5:30 to babysat our granddaughter. Continues to be cold with snow showers about every other day so just feels good to stay inside. Finished up all the paperwork to get the house listed - realtors have been thru and just waiting for some showings. There have been some sales in the area but no high expectations that this will happen quickly.
Got started packing up the van - in between trips to the garage! Put new tires on about 2 weeks ago and immediately noticed a very definite pull to the left when it should be a slight pull to the right. So dropped it off last Monday - they said it had to be the allignment. Mmmmm last tires went 70,000 with no unusual wear from being out of allignment. To make a long 3 day story short - the allignment was fine and 3 sets of tires later all is well. It seems Chrysler vans and a certain B F Goodrich tire don't like each other so we are driving on Bridgestones! Pretty frustrating week for the us and the dealership.
That's about it for now - TX here we come!