Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas 2010
Of course we had to plow snow again before they all got here - had another 6" Thursday afternoon and evening - got another inch or two last night. We broke the record for the most snow ever in December early last week and we still have 5 days of December left.
Kari's and Kelly's heading home later that evening as they live just a few miles away, Kristin and Darin's stayed over. Darin, Bee and the boys headed to Bee's mom's in the morning, we headed to church and spent all of Christmas day just laying around watching movies and napping.
Having several the neighbors over for supper Tuesday evening and then get Christmas put away so the MLS pictures can be taken and hopefully some showings start. Have 3 short weeks of work then off to TX and away from the cold and snow.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Getting the house listed and ready for Christmas Rya and her babies!
We had new carpet installed a week ago and finally got the house put back together. Realtor wanted us to get that done before the house got "officially" listed. Looks nice - hopefully a selling point! Vicky has been busy getting decorations up and now getting presents wrapped and under the tree. Have a busy week of meetings for work and soon the weekend of Christmas will be upon us. Kids will be here christmas Eve, just hangin out on Christmas Day and then Christmas with Bob's sisters and their familiers on the 26th. Bob's niece Jen is trying to get home from England but according to her facebook entries, she snowed in at the London airport.
As you can see we have lotsa snow - another 4-6" is forecasted for Monday - I think we have enuf! More of our friends are heading south to TX right after the holidays so hopefully the weather cooperates.
Well not much else new - just counting the days till we are back in the warm country.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Winter in MN Comes Early Caleb's Birthday Party
We continue to CHILL OUT here in MN for another few weeks. And chill is the word as it was 0 here this morning after receiving another 8" of snow Friday and Friday nite. Here it is the 1st week of December and I have had to blow out the yard and driveway twice!
Been staying pretty close to home - cleaning closets, corners, cabinets - sorting, tossing and throwing a lot of stuff we just don't need anymore. Keeping the garbage can filled and another schedule trip to Goodwill this week. As soon as the carpeting is replaced this week the house will be officially listed. Realtor wanted to take some pictures with the new carpeting before putting on MLS. So we will see how it goes over the winter for showings and maybe a sale.
Last Saturday we celebrated Caleb's 3rd birthday. He celebrated with many of his cousins on his moms side of the family - they celebrated monthly birthdays - I think there were 6 or 7 birthdays. Party was in Melrose - kids had lotsa cake and the parents had a wing tasting. We came in 2nd - along with 4 others. Was a good time -got to see a lot of people we don't get to see very often.
Another busy week ahead - getting carpeting finished, meetings in St Paul Wednesday and Thursday and getting house ready for Christmas next weekend.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Back to the Cold!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Headed over to HEB for groceries, stopped by Lloyd and Gails but they were out somewhere. $99 later we headed home put food away then over to Danny's for our Mexican food fix. Made plans to have lunch with Bill and Mavis on Saturday and imagine we'll check in with Lloyd and Gail, Pete and Shirley, and Gil and Bev and stop to see how Bob and Joni are doing painting their house.
So all is well here. More Later
Saturday, October 30, 2010
It's Getting Cold!!
Last weekend we took our new fifth wheel out on a shakedown. Tried it out Prarie Meadows Casino at Granite Falls - . Weather was perfect and once we figured out how to get the tv's and surround system to work all was well except we didn't make enough to pay for it! So much more room with the extra slide. Kelly and Blake stayed over Saturday nite and it was very comfortable with 4 people moving around. We think it will work perfect once we sell the house. Vicky got everything put away in the new spaces - wasn't sure if everythink would fit, just took some re-arranging. Got home Sunday and got everything moved into the outside storage areas and then attempted to get it winterized. That was another struggle - took a phone call to the dealer on Monday to find out that I had one valve turned the wrong way so antifreeze would not flow thru the hot water lines. So now we have it packed away till spring.
Had the grandkids Thursday nite and D & B's boys all day Friday. Their daycare was closed due to the flu. Was a busy day but fun!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
We're Still Kickin!! Fall has arrived
Our remodeling project is finished!!!! Bathroom looks great - Vicky loves her new tub and tile. Bryan and I are glad it's done too - what a job getting the new tub in! Garage is finished too - Darin did a great job in getting it finished off. Complete with sheetroock and textured walls and ceilings, pine trim around doors and windows, new service doors and epoxy finish on the floor - looks like a new garage!!! Thanks Darin..
Kristin and Bethany helped us paint 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and the laundry - all in one weekend and we put up some new blinds and swags so the house is looking pretty good - almost ready for listing! We also spent one weekend cleaning out the shed - kept the fire burning all day and got rid of a lot of "stuff" - treasurers as the kids say!! - that we just don't have a need for. Now we need to have a BIG garage sale in the spring.
We took in a few more polka fests - Ellsworth WI, Ottertail MN, Little Falls MN andSauk Center MN - had some great times catching up on what everyone was doing, seeing friends from Texas and people from all over MN. Ottertail and Sauk Center were first time events for us and they are on our calendars for next year - we had a great time.

We have the old one cleaned out and now we are waiting for the new one. We'd like to get everything moved in and maybe get a nice weekend to try it out yet this fall. Who know's with MN weather. This has been a great fall tho, beautiful colors, high temps maybe we will get lucky.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Grandkids and Summer 2010

We've checked out a few polka fests and enjoyed getting together with the bunch - just got home from Bird Island, MN and will be heading over to Ellsworth, WI this week. Then will be home for a while. As I mention in an earlier post we are redoing a bathroom and also tiling the backsplash in the kitchen - guess they will be getting started on that in the next week or so - so will have to get the prep work done. The bathroom project now involves a new tub so we need to tear our the sheetrock, put in the new turn, new cement board, taping and mudding before the can install the new tile. Will be nice when it's done tho.
We have a family reunion on Vicky's mother side later in July - this will be at the Grand Casino in Hinckley so we are taking the camper up there for a few days. Darin and Bethany and the boys will be going too - Kari and Bryan have to work that weekend but Kelly and Blake and Kristin might drive up for the day. Should be a good time.
Making plans for our fall Threshing and Machinery shows in Rollag and Albany so if the weather nice we will be checking them out again this year.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Summer in Minnesota!!
This past weekend Darin & Bethany and the boys were camping at Cedar Lake near Upsala, we drove up Saturday for the day, had a couple hours of light rain but the late afternoon was quite nice. We need to get a wheel bearing and/or a brake checked on the 5er next Friday so we decided not to pull it up north in case we would have issues. We have the boys here today and staying over night, D & B have a funeral to go to in Salem, SD on Monday. Kari will be bringing Rya over this afternoon to play with the boys so hope to get some pics of the three of them to post with this.
So, I guess that's it for now! Thanks for stopping by>
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mothers Day and First Camping Trip
Been a while since our last post but haven't had to much to post about except work and cold weather. The first couple of weeks after returning from Texas the weather was great - 70's and 80's (warm for Mn this time of year)but the temps are barely making 50 the last couple weeks - along with rain and drizzle - it's getting old!
We did take care of the hitch itch a bit as we camped Friday and Saturday night at Sibley State Park. Well I guess we weren't hitched up very long because the park is only 2 miles down the road!! But we got to spend a couple nights in the 5-er and spent the weekend with our family. Our son Darin and his family wanted to camp somewhere so we decided on someplace close - that way the girls could join us for Saturday. We had big camp fire all day, potluck the food, had a few refreshments and really had a good time with everyone.
OK - A few had too many refreshments!!

And one just wanted to give grandma some flowers for Mother's Day!
The weekend started off very wet but Saturday was OK, but cooled off later in the afternoon so Kristin headed back to St Cloud and Kari, Rya and Bryan headed their 1 mile down the road too to their warm home. Kelly and Blake stayed with us and Darin, Bethany and the boys had their camper.
Mom says THANKS everyone for a great time!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Time Flies By!!
Kelly and Blake were married on April 10th - weather was perfect with temps near 70 all weekend with lotsa sun and a light breeze. All went off without a hitch - beautiful wedding and a fun reception.
Besides Kelly and Blake the other stars of the wedding were the 3 ring bearers and flower girl. The ring bearers were our grandson Caleb, Blakes nephew Gavin and their friends son Ethen, the flower girl was Blakes grand niece Rylee.

Gift opening was at our house on Sunday, so by noon we had close to 40 people here for lunch and fun and laughing. The last ones left about 4:00 and we were ready to have some peace and quiet - we were in bed by 7:30 and that was after a couple late afternoon naps on the couch.
Kelly and Blake honeymooned in Cancuun for a week and are now back home - back at work - like the rest of us.
For now we are at home working about 4 days a week. Hope to take the 5er to New Prague on the 14-16 to meet some friends at a Polka Fest and then to Clarrisa over Memorial Weekend for another.
Getting hitch itch so can't wait to get on the road again.