We had planned on heading home on the 17th, but with the weather forecast for Tuesday being cool and rainy we decided to head out. So we picked the grapefruit to bring home, finished packing and said goodby to the neighbors till next fall. Got the house closed up and we were on the road by 7:15. Rain most of the day, had a couple traffic slow downs just south of Waco because of an accident. We pulled into Ardmore, OK, about 5:30, checked into the motel, took care of a few work items and emails, got something to eat and hit the bed about 8:30. We were back on the road by 6:45 the next morning. Wednesday was great day for driving and we got home about 7:30.
Kari and Rya were there to greet us - Rya had really grown! Kari hung around for about an hour and then I think she sensed our tired we were and Rya was ready for bed too so she gathered up her grapefruit and onions and heading home. Will be seeing the other grandsons on Sunday when we go to St Cloud for Grants 1st birthday.
Kelly and Blake got the hot tub going Monday evening - that felt so good Thursday morning!!!
So I guess we are back in the work routine for about a week. On the 27th I fly to Florida for work for a week and Vicky will be helping Kelly wrap up wedding plans and her shower and stag party is next Saturday.
Sure is brown and cold here!!